Message Topic List (expand the topic for more details)
- Null / Posed TF
- Null TF는 첫 프레임이 origin에 고정된 좌표계 / Null TF makes the first frame to be the origin.
- Posed TF는 rig가 origin에 있도록 rig-to-world 변환이 적용된 좌표계 /
Pose TF makes the current frame to be the origin (by applying the rig-to-world transform)
- Frame poses
- Pose는 모두 rig-to-world (motion) 3D rigid 변환 /
Pose means the 3D rigid transformation from the rig to the world.
- Active keyframe은 LBA(local bundle adjustment)에 의해 최적화되는 keyframe들 /
Active keyframes mean the keyframes whose poses are adjusted by LBA.
- Axis of the sensor rig coordinate system
- Rig의 좌표축은 x축-오른쪽, y축-아래, z축-정면이며, ROS message로 출력될 때, y축-정면, z축-위로 변환되어 출력 됨
The rig axis consists of x-right, y-down, and z-front, and the messages are published by converting to y-front and z-up.
Rviz Example
by the accompanied configuration in the SDK